View Profile Sparx-1
It takes one far more powerful, to create than to destroy...

Age 33, Male

Chicago, IL

Joined on 6/25/05

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Sparx-1's News

Posted by Sparx-1 - July 4th, 2009

...Remember that graphics tablet I was telling you about? It's crap (Guess that's what I get for buying a cheap one from a discount supermarket). I tried to work with it, but it was a big, awkward, flat piece of junk that was barely responsive and had next to no pressure sensitivity... *sigh*, Well, that's not even much of a problem now, due to the fact that I have to take some classes this summer (In case you were wondering, no, I did not fail anything. It's just a long and unpleasant story that I'd rather not talk about right now O.o).

But fear not! There is good news!

I should be done with those classes by the end of this week, which is great, because I've finally the money to get a good graphics tablet, which I'll buy after the classes are finished. And yes, I'm still working on Sonic: Quantum Leap, but as you can see, I've got a lot of stuff going on in my personal life, so there hasn't been a lot of work done on it since the last time I posted. Also, I'm thinking of returning the title to Sonic: Chaos Factor. Yes, I may have mentioned that the Chaos Factor title isn't very descriptive of the plot, but its namesake does play an important role (The Chaos Factor is just what the characters call their ability to turn into their super forms in this movie) in the fight scenes, not to mention it sounds pretty cool. Post me and tell me what you think is better.

P.S., In an unrelated chapter of bad news, three celebrities died over the past two weeks, and that really sucks. First Farrah Fawcett, who had cancer, and was expected to die by a lot of people, then Michael Jackson, yes, MICHAEL, FREAKING, JACKSON, died straight out of the blue of either a massive heart attack or a drug overdose (the autopsy reports haven't confirmed it yet), then Billy Mays, AKA the Oxi-Clean guy suffered a brain injury due to a plane-landing mishap... My condolences to the families of all three of them. They will be sorely missed.

Posted by Sparx-1 - October 27th, 2008

Lo and behold! I've finally got a graphics tablet! It wasn't the one I was planning on getting all this time, but it's still good... ^^;

Anyway, as soon as I learn how to use it well, I'll finally start making those original movies I've been talking about. Anyone who's got some tips on making flash with a tablet, THROW 'EM THIS WAY!!!

Posted by Sparx-1 - April 12th, 2008

If you're wondering about my virus problem, I *think* I may have solved it... Only problem now is my PC's been taking a bit longer than normal to boot, but it's much better than before. But that's not the point...

The point is, Sonic Quantum Leap is coming along quite nicely, and this morning, in boredom I decided to record a Sonic-ized version of the Neon Genesis Evangelion theme song. Now it's not supposed to be some really serious thing, but one of the many references to other animes in the SQL series. Anyway, check it out if you have the chance! ^^

Posted by Sparx-1 - April 6th, 2008

Yeah... I'm trying to get it all out of my PC... Every time I scan, the viruses keep coming back. I honestly don't know what to do at this point other than keep scanning and hope that they'll stop coming back.
I'm getting pop-ups, my computer takes way to long to boot, and the computer's overall performance is getting slower and slower. Just thought you all should know what's going on...

If anyone has any advice, for peace sakes, PLEASE tell me! Anything helps! (And yeah, I know I may have to reformat and reinstall, but that's a last resort)...

Posted by Sparx-1 - February 22nd, 2008

Once again, I've broken a long cycle of procrastination that I hope stays broken, and Sonic: Quantum Leap is coming along nicely. I think a lot of people will like the fight scene at the beginning... I hope...

I'm also hoping that S:QL will finally be a piece of my art that most viewers will actually like a lot. I've been to quite a few sites and shown off my work and a lot of people either don't have anything good to say about it, or just don't care to comment... Am I really that generic? O.o

...*Stop it Sparx, you're being emo!!* *SMACK*

Eheh... ^^;

Anyway, I can't believe I've JUST now heard of that "Caramelldansen" song! XD It's so awesome! ^^ For some reason I get the mental image of anime girls dancing every time I hear it... ...And what's weirder is it's sweedish, but sounds like J-pop of some sort...

...It's about 6:00, I haven't been to sleep yet, and I'm not tired... O.o That's not good... Anyway, I guess I should close this post with something awesome, sooo.....

Bring on the dancing anime girls!!! =P

Posted by Sparx-1 - November 20th, 2007

(I've reposted this since not that many people got the message...)

Okay, I've got some good news for sonic fans out there! Because it's taking so long for me to get a graphics tablet, Sonic: Chaos Factor is back in action until I get one! However, as I've said before the title wil be changed. Possible choices are:

Sonic: Quantum Leap
Sonic: Concept Stratus

Mostly because the "chaos factor" is a rather minor plot element compared to the rest of the story. It is merely a new Chaos attack (Like Chaos Control etc.) which can also be activated by computer systems... Each character has their own storyline, as in Sonic Adventure:

Sonic has made a shocking discovery that could change his entire history, so now he must find the clues to find out the truth behind this new information, as well as experiencing his precious "thrill of adventure."

Tails is weary of being overlooked and decides to take on a massive task to prove his worth.

Knuckles, due to the aftermath of the second episode, must cope with the destruction of Angel Island.

Amy has found love in another, long-absent character from the Sonic series, and now has to choose between Sonic and this mystery character. Plus, this "new boyfriend" of Amy's must compete with Sonic for Amy's love.

Dr. Eggman's dreams for world domination are threatened by a new villain (Custom Character. The ONLY custom character in the movie.) Forcing eggman to play the hero.

The overlapping story is that this new villain (I'll only tell you part of the name; "Stratus") has found a way to destroy the Emeralds. It has been long belived that if the emeralds are destroyed, the planet would fall apart, but after their destruction, earth somehow still exists... Our heroes discover why: The enigmatic Quantum Stones. These gems are ten times more powerful than the Emeralds, and whoever gains them all can control not just the earth, but the entire universe. With all of the problems that the main characters are individually experiencing, will they be able to pull together and save the world from "Stratus"? We shall see, we shall see...

Also, I need voices for Tails, Amy, and Rouge, due to the fact that I can't do high-pitched voices.

So, until then, I'm picking up on the scripts from where I left off. Also, please drop a comment and tell me which of the title choices you like, or suggesting another title. See you all later! ^^

Posted by Sparx-1 - September 7th, 2007

"...Dark clouds spread acrcross the earth....
Chilling bones for all they're worth...

When has left, the summer sun...
A dismal fate has then begun....

And who denies it but a fool?
This dismal fate is known as.....



So, it's that time of year again... yeah, school time. It's gonna suck so much of my time that my production on Sonic: Quantum Leap will be under even more delay than before... So, that's why it's still taking so long to get finished. I'll post here when half the movie's done or something... Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go do my homework.... *stupid homework....*

Posted by Sparx-1 - July 22nd, 2007

Okay, I've got some good news for sonic fans out there! Because it's taking so long for me to get a graphics tablet, Sonic: Chaos Factor is back in action until I get one! However, as I've said before the title wil be changed. Possible choices are:

Sonic: Quantum Leap
Sonic: Concept Stratus

Mostly because the "chaos factor" is a rather minor plot element compared to the rest of the story. It is merely a new Chaos attack (Like Chaos Control etc.) which can also be activated by computer systems... Each character has their own storyline, as in Sonic Adventure:

Sonic has made a shocking discovery that could change his entire history, so now he must find the clues to find out the truth behind this new information, as well as experiencing his precious "thrill of adventure."

Tails is weary of being overlooked and decides to take on a massive task to prove his worth.

Knuckles, due to the aftermath of the second episode, must cope with the destruction of Angel Island.

Amy has found love in another, long-absent character from the Sonic series, and now has to choose between Sonic and this mystery character. Plus, this "new boyfriend" of Amy's must compete with Sonic for Amy's love.

Dr. Eggman's dreams for world domination are threatened by a new villain (Custom Character. The ONLY custom character in the movie.) Forcing eggman to play the hero.

The overlapping story is that this new villain (I'll only tell you part of the name; "Stratus") has found a way to destroy the Emeralds. It has been long belived that if the emeralds are destroyed, the planet would fall apart, but after their destruction, earth somehow still exists... Our heroes discover why: The enigmatic Quantum Stones. These gems are ten times more powerful than the Emeralds, and whoever gains them all can control not just the earth, but the entire universe. With all of the problems that the main characters are individually experiencing, will they be able to pull together and save the world from "Stratus"? We shall see, we shall see...

Also, I need voices for Tails, Amy, and Rouge, due to the fact that I can't do high-pitched voices.

So, until then, I'm picking up on the scripts from where I left off. Also, please drop a comment and tell me which of the title choices you like, or suggesting another title. See you all later! ^^

Posted by Sparx-1 - July 19th, 2007

So, I log into NG one day, and then the under construction page appears! I just knew that the new NG would be awesome, and BOY was I right! This way, I can keep everyone up to date on what I'm up to.

As you know, Sonic Chaos Factor has been put on hiatus in order to make room for a new, completely original project of mine... (Which will come to be as soon as I buy a FREAKING GRAPHICS TABLET! O_u <--*eye twitch*) So, yeah, fortunately, I have found the tablet I want at a local Circuit City, so the next few posts will account my (echoes) QUEST FOR THE TABLET! (*Dan-da-DAAA!*)

....Okay, that was lame... But anyway, If and when SCF does return, It will probably have a different name for two reasons; One of the reasons involves a Sonic X DVD set thingy called "Sonic X: The Chaos Factor" and the fact that the Chaos Emeralds are not a major part of the plot for once. (I mean, ALL things Sonic are about that! I like to innovate! :P)

Anyway, I'm not sharing any details about my original flash movie just yet, but I will say that I will attempt to revive an old style of futuristic scenery with some new elements. Until next time! I'm off to continue my quest! (*Dan-da-...* [music cuts off.]) (*looks into the background*) STOP blowing that freakin' trumpet!

^^* Eheheh.... Yeah... Stay tuned..